infrared photography by
JORDAN (2019)
infrared photography @ 720nm & 760nm
In January 2019 I travelled to Jordan where I experimented double-shooting most of the subjects with both 720nm and 760nm filters.
Light conditions were halfway between what I've had experienced in Oman in 2017 and during my winter shoot session in Rome, in December 2018.
The most significative difference that I've noticed between the two filters is in how the 760nm renders slightly more contrasted skies, but it's actually a result that can be easily achieved in postproduction.
On the other hand, the 720nm filter leaves me more freedom to postproduce False Color, which is something that I'm getting back into with a renewed interest.

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raffaele canepa, fotografo, fine art, infrared, infrarosso, milano, beyond720, IR